About Uppsala International Hub
Our guiding principles
- We attract and welcome global talent to help the county, academia and employers achieve their vision and create a better future
- Building knowledge and providing thought-leadership within talent attraction and retention
- Identifying and addressing the needs/challenges of talent and employers
- Collaborating with relevant stakeholders to develop solutions and deliver benefits
- Showcasing how talent can build their desired life in our county
- We combine stakeholders and partners strengths to improve the conditions for international talent and recruiting employers
- We support employers and organizations in attracting and retaining international talent
- We design and communicate the total package of an attractive county, leading clusters and exciting job opportunities
- We provide tools, services and activities to support talent in their settlement process
Our organization
Uppsala International Hub is an initiative designed to attract and welcome skilled internationals to our county and help them to thrive here long-term. It is a collaboration between the business community, academia, our municipality and county and is run within the framework of a regional platform.
This site is your guide to making Uppsala your new home, whether you’re settling here for good or a short while, coming alone or with family. We link to official sites, in English wherever possible, so you can get the information you really need.
Founding partners
Uppsala International Hub is organized by a partnership between Uppsala University (Uppsala universitet), The Swedish University of Agriculture and Science (SLU), Uppsala County Council (Region Uppsala), Uppsala Municipality (Uppsala kommun) and the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (Handelskammaren i Uppsala län). The partners together finance the initiative and their representatives make decisions regarding implementation and development.
Supporting partners
Uppsala International Hub also receives support from private organizations to finance various aspects of our work, including social activities, employment training and related activities for partners who have joined their spouses, and communication.
Världsklass Uppsala is a supporting partner for 2022.
Join Uppsala International Hub
Is your business or organization interested becoming a supporting partner of Uppsala International Hub—either financially or in-kind—in our efforts to support and attract internationals talents to Uppsala? If so, do get in touch with our project team!
Accessibility Statement
Our commitment and approach to maintaining an accessible website
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Did you know...
… Uppsala’s two universities are affiliated with no less than 500 other universities.